Invinsense Green Secure Optimize Strengthen

Invinsense Green Secure Optimize Strengthen

Invinsense Green Secure Optimize Strengthen

In this current scenario of Digital warfare, there is a paradigm shift , wherein , be it any Organization or an Individual as well is always at the risk of cyber attacks which has become more and more furious. So proactively the Organizations has to be on their toes always safeguarding , strengthening their cyber security. As we talked about the above paradigm shift, this shift is required to be done invariably very fast.

Now as of today, even the “Grape Vine” or the “Top Management” has to, and yes they have to take the onus of strong Cyber Security measures for their Organization.

The top management has to keep their eagles eye over the Cyber security of their company, day to day activities related to any cyber attacks , regulatory compliance and even keep in touch with the competent people, IT team, or CISO,types of Technologies deployed for cyber security, and get the information which can be there on tip of their fingers, through single integrated platform.

We at Infopercept , always believe in suggesting good Solutions, with “Optimization” from the existing security tools, people, processes, these are our strong points.

It has become inevitable for any Organization, and has become compulsory for them to manage the multiple compliances and adhering to the statutory requirements for cyber security. This is bound to create the need for a common platform, and invisibility of a strong Integrated approach, will make it difficult and impossible to manage the Cyber Risks , which are aligned to the core strategies of the company.

We believe that in any Organization, for strong and sturdy Cyber Security, needs an common integrated platform and Infopercept introduces G-SOS(Green- Secured Optimize Strengthen) platform which is designed mainly on strong three pillars People, Processes and Technology.

People: People are the most important asset for any organization. To begin with, it becomes most important to engage the right competent skilled, qualified and professional manpower. Once they are employed, they have to be trained properly, and see that they are made aware of the all required processes to be followed , set by the Organization.

PROCESS: We may have the right required skilled professionals. Equally its most important to train the people to follow the required process like management Systems, Company policies may be related to BYOD, giving the access or denying the rights as per the IT policy Document, training of implementing the right Government frameworks or required IT audit certifications.

Technology: It becomes most important which technology has to be deployed in an organization.

The company will have to first take care of physical security, CCTV deployment, BIOMetric devices management, Access Management , safeguard the assets, networks, security of BYOD, Patch Management, Email Server Security, patch management, secure the payment gateways, antivirus deployment etc. So it becomes most important which technology has to be deployed in an organization.

G- SOS Strategy: We are using Green(Proactive) Secure, Optimize and Strengthen strategy that cut across the People, Process and Technology paradigm.

This product is a strategic tool focusing on governance, strategy, risk and compliance. This boardroom tool provides a deep insight on the organizational structure.

The most important component will be providing the vision, theMission of the company.

It shall also provide the future road map, the plans supporting the strategies. Will help to identify components of the cyber security will be identified, the control system shall be designed.

This will overall Strengthen the Cyber security Governance, Risk and Compliance program will be robust, and shall be in alignment with the Strategy of the Direction of the company.

Components of G- SOS:

There are six major modules of G- SOS tool which makes this tool very unique.

  • Organizational Vision and Mission
  • Enterprise Risk Management module
  • Controls Assurance & Monitoring Program
  • Security Culture Awareness Programs
  • Boardroom –War Games
  • SOS Program Dashboards & Reporting

Benefits of the G-SOS tool: In nutshell we can conclude that over all its going to be benefited in the following ways:

  • Strategic Alignment
  • Quicker Decision making
  • Streamlined Processes Program
  • Simplification and Gamification Programs
  • Goals & Measurement
  • Build a Security Culture
  • Optimization of resources across levels
  • Enhanced Cybersecurity Posture



