Red Team and Breach and Attack Simulation

Red Team and Breach and Attack Simulation

Red Team and Breach and Attack Simulation

“Better to Fail Internally then Externally. You learn what they can not teach us” Infopercept always endeavors to keep on innovating the strategy to combat this Digital Warfare.

Be it a war or digital warfare, we have to keep on innovating the strategies to protect the assets from the adversaries.

Now we shall be talking about the strategy or tool, of Red Teaming and Bas integration. As a strong well experienced MSSP, Infopercept will define it as the Integration of Red Teaming & Breach & Attacks Simulation.

RBAS recommend as the Game Plan.

At Infopercept we believe that “Better to Fail Internally then Externally. You learn what they cannot teach us”

RED teaming jargon has come from the US MILITARY. Group of soldiers makes one team and they practice the mock attacks same as that of their enemies does. They deploy the same strategy, which they know, or the spying agencies have warned them of the new strategies being developed by the enemies. They ambush the same way that of enemies and the other soldiers are trained to defend the attacks done in form of MOCK drill by the RED TEAM members.

The RED team does what the adversaries do.

In Cyber Security the Red teaming is defined as a planned manual cyber attacks done by the RED team members of the MSSP , they are the well identified cyber security experts and as a team. They manually undertake examinations to identify vulnerabilities in the hardware, software, and human aspects of a security system. They take their time to understand carefully the risks of an organization. They attack in the same way as if the vulnerabilities have been pushed in. Ultimately, they provide solutions to fix the security infirmities they have discovered.

This is done without the knowledge of the IT team members of the client. The attacks are of the same nature that of any adversaries does, but it’s just a mock drill.

Breach and attack and simulation (BAS) can be defined, that it involves simulated cyber security breach attempts. These attacks would not be dummy or mock of nature , but they are the same as that of actual adversaries actual incidents, only one notion that they are automated and controlled (more on the control aspect below). This process is required to complete the cycle so that the security experts get acquainted with how successful breaches find their way into the system , what their end goals are. By doing this, the security team is able to develop solutions to a problem in its different stages.

Integration of Red Teaming & BAS will definitely resulting in Better optimization of the outcomes.

Infopercept as an leading MSSP, and with their experience and expertise of their security team will deploy the red team attacks, will deploy exercises or approaches that are not covered by BAS tools.

However, yes then depending on the volatility of the cyber security compromised, and where ever the team finds that it require advanced penetration and testing to be done , there the BAS shall also be deployed parallel with RED Teaming.

The use of BAS tools also requires security experts. These experts are responsible for the configuration of the tools, monitoring, and the adjustment of the attacks (in case they fail to bring find vulnerabilities). The tools would have to be tweaked if they fail to find anything exploitable until such time they spot an exploitable flaw.

With automation comes the advantage of consistency, greater frequency, and endless repetition. One of the best tool for BAS is “The Infection Monkey” it is a Breach and Attack Simulation (BAS) tool that assesses the resiliency of private and public cloud environments to post-breach attacks and lateral movement.

The Infection Monkey operates in much the same way a real attacker would - starting from a random location in the network and propagating from there, while looking for all possible paths of exploitation.

The other effective tool for BAS is “Kali Linux” it is aimed at advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing. Kali Linux contains several hundred tools which are geared towards various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Security research, Computer Forensics and Reverse Engineering.


Red teaming is a good security testing option. At Infopercept this is conducted by knowledgeable and experienced security professionals with their Invinsense effects, it will generate useful insights on improving a security system.

BAS tools will be deployed in a organization, for its automation and continuous attacks with full cycles. Both Red Teaming and Breach attacks & simulation are worth integration as per the requirement of the organization or business needs.



