Infopercept is a globalleader in web application penetration testing; finding bugs in a number of programminglanguages and environments. Our security specialists have helped protect data all over theworld, from webapps in highly scalable AWS environments to legacy apps in conventionalinfrastructure.
We regularly illustrate ourdedication to top-notch security testing with thousands of zero-day vulnerabilities exposedand our research circulating on national news outlets.
Web apps are only growing insignificance. Whether it's for financial planning or medical treatment, millions of peoplerely on web apps to manage their most sensitive details. As they become more complex, theybecome more susceptible to security vulnerabilities and human error. As web applicationsbecome more interconnected by API linking, this risk increases. Every day, securityresearchers discover new ways to make these applications bend and crack.
A strong offence is the bestdefence. If you hire a professional team of penetration testers to evaluate yourapplication, you will be made aware of any security loopholes that could lead to compromisedapplications and data breaches. This gives you the foresight you need to improve your webapplication and keep your most sensitive assets secure.
Infopercept provides webservice monitoring, manipulation, and fuzzing of WSDL (Web Services Description Language)parameters. The web service accepts – and responds to – SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)requests, which are structured in these configuration files.
Our industry-leading expertsmanually analyse the application source code for security bugs during a source code securityanalysis. Here's more detail on our Secure Code Review services.
Web services have manyspecific components and threats, but they may also have many of the same flaws asconventional applications, such as SQL Injection.
Automated vulnerabilityscanners often ignore more subtle security vulnerabilities. An experienced assessor would beaware of the application's meaning and will be able to manipulate its logic. Many of theseflaws are simply ignored by automated scanners.
Vulnerability scanners arecommonly used by Infopercept’s expert security engineers in the preliminary stages of anapplication security evaluation, even if it is just at the beginning. We will provideevaluations that are more applicable to your user base and individual security needs, if wehave a clear understanding of the application's context.
Infopercept follows awell-defined, repeatable procedure. This definition is prioritised in each interaction toensure that our evaluation is accurate, repeatable, and of the highest possible standard. Asa result, the team will double-check our results before and after the remediation. Themeasures below will help us achieve these results:
1.Define Scope : Infopercept establishes a specific scope of the client before a webapplication evaluation can take place. To create a comfortable framework from which toevaluate, open contact between Infopercept and the client organisation is encouraged atthis point.
2.InformationGathering : Engineers from Infopercept use a variety of OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence) tools andtechniques to gather as much information as they can about the target. As the engagementprogresses, the data gathered will assist us in better understanding of the organization's operating conditions, allowing us to accurately assess risk. Thefollowing are some examples of targeted intelligence:
3.Enumeration : At this stage, we incorporate automated scripts and tools, amongother tactics in more advanced information gathering. Any potential attack vectors arethoroughly examined by Infopercept engineers. The data gathered at this stage will serveas the foundation for our exploration in the next phase.
4.Attack andPenetration : We start attacking the webapp's vulnerabilities after carefulconsideration. This is done with caution to protect the application and its data whilealso confirming the existence of previously discovered attack vectors. At this point, wecould launch attacks like:
5.Reporting : Theassessment process comes to a close with reporting. Infopercept analysts collect all ofthe information collected to provide a lengthy, concise report to the customer. Thereport starts with a high-level breakdown of the overall risk, highlighting both theapplication's protective systems and logic's strengths and weaknesses. We also includestrategic recommendations to assist business leaders in making informed applicationdecisions. We break down each vulnerability in technical detail later in the report,including our testing process and remediation steps for the IT team, resulting in astraightforward remediation process. We go to great lengths to ensure that each rep issuccessful. We go to great lengths to ensure that each report is clear and easy tounderstand.
6.RemediationTesting : In addition, upon request from the client, Infopercept can revisit the evaluation afterthe client organisation has patched the vulnerabilities. We would ensure that thereforms have been fully incorporated and that the possibility has been minimised. Theprevious appraisal will be revised to reflect the more stable status of the submission.